We are so excited you're here!
Artsy's Ordering software is downloading as we speak...
If, for any reason, the automatic download fails, or you weren’t notified of a Oracle Java download, please make sure you download the newest version of Java from HERE and be sure to refresh your web browser when this download is complete. You need an Artsy Couture account before you can order. Create one here if you don't have one yet.
If you already have the most up-to-date Java installed, and are still having trouble launching our ROES,
please select your operating system from one of the direct launch links below:
Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10, 64 bit Only
Mac OS X 10.7 or higher ONLY
OS X 10.6 OR LOWER / ANY 32 bit Windows / Any Windows XP
You will receive a security message pop-up to trust the application to begin. Please click "OK/Allow" on
all of these to allow the needed permissions for the program.
ROES cannot be downloaded on mobile devices, please try again from your desktop.